
日本经济再生中的中小企业金融管理 被引量:1

Researches on SMEs Financial Management in Economic Regeneration of Japan
摘要 日本经济再生时期,对于典型的不良债权、中小企业融资难、多头管理、法律体系不健全等宏观层面问题,日本政府通过建立由金融监督厅主导的多元化金融管理模式、建设法律体系并重点关注法律衔接以及制定专门针对中小企业融资的金融检查标准加以应对。对于地方中小企业金融管理与地方经济重建、结构升级等区域性问题,日本采用区域紧密型金融管理模式,规定金融机构与中小企业保持长期合作,并为其经营进行诊断,帮助其改善经营状况,实现银企双方互利共赢,从而实现地方经济全面升级。 The financial environment in the period of economic regeneration in Japan is similar to the situation in current China. And it is worth learning the methods and measures in the SMEs financial management. For the typical macro - level problems, such as distressed loans, financing difficulties, bull management and inadequate regulations and laws, to address these issues, Japanese government established a diversified financial management model led by the Financial Supervisory Authority, constructed the finan- cial legal system focusing on the legal continuity, and formulated a specialized financial inspection standard for SME financing. Against for the regional issues, such as local SME financial management and economic reconstruction and the structure upgrading , the Japanese government adopted the tightly -knit regional finance management. It required that the financial institutions should maintain cooperation with SMEs in long term, and diagnose their business to help them improve the business conditions, and achieve bank - enterprise mutually benefit and win - win results, so as to realize a comprehensive upgrade of the local economy.
作者 侯惠英 邢戬
出处 《现代日本经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期29-37,共9页 Contemporary Economy OF Japan
基金 大连市社科联课题"推动大连金融支持中小文化企业发展研究"(2013dlskybdl176) 大连大学优秀青年博士专项基金"房价滞涨对地方城市建设投融资模式的影响"(2014yw09)
关键词 经济再生 金融管理 中小企业金融 区域紧密型金融 日本 economic regeneration, financial management, SMEs finance, tightly - knit regional finance,Japan
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