
民族舞蹈介入青年大学生心理问题的治疗研究——以藏族锅庄为例 被引量:1

Research on the Treatment of Psychological Problems of Young College Students by Folk Dance——the case of Guo Zhuang Dance
摘要 舞蹈能促进和谐的身心关系,要求舞蹈与心理因素有机地结合。面对青年大学生心理健康问题日益突出,舞蹈教育应该在普适的专业教育之外尝试进行创新,建立一套改善和化解其心理健康问题的治疗机制。文章从易学简单的角度出发,以藏族锅庄为例设计了一项民族舞蹈治疗课程,并通过实践教学证明了该课程在干预青年大学生心理健康问题上的积极意义,并就如何推动舞蹈治疗工作的开展提出有价值的思考和建议。 Dance can promote the harmonious relationship between body and mind,meaning the organic combination of dance and psychological factors.As mental health problems of the young college students have become increasingly prominent,dance education should try to innovate,in addition to the professional education,to establish a set of improving and resolving the treatment mechanism of the psychological health problems.The article starts with the angle of simplification to design a national dance therapy sessions in the case of Guo Zhuang Dance.Through the teaching practice,it can prove the positive significance of the course in psychological health problems of college students and discuss valuable thoughts and suggestions on how to promote the development of dance therapy work.
作者 李萌 王琼瑶
机构地区 四川音乐学院
出处 《牡丹江教育学院学报》 2015年第7期124-126,共3页 Journal of Mudanjiang College of Education
基金 2013年度四川音乐学院资助科研项目"舞蹈教学与心理健康的结合"(CY2013085) 2014年度四川省教育厅资助科研项目"舞蹈治疗方法促进大学生心理健康的研究与探索"(14SB0254)的阶段性成果
关键词 民族舞蹈 治疗 身心关系 机制 Folk Dance Treatment The Relationship between Body and Mind Mechanism
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