
化工管道流固耦合振动特性分析及减振措施研究 被引量:3

Study on Fluid-structure Interface Vibration Characteristics and Vibration Reduction Measures of Chemical Pipeline
摘要 针对湖北宜化化肥车间的氨水管道系统异常振动的现状,采用大型有限元程序软件ANSYS,分析得出其原因是管系结构第七阶固有频率与激励主频率相近而造成共振。在不改变管系主要特征和管道结构的基础上,采取了两种简单易行的减振方法对其进行了改造,并进行了仿真计算,结果表明:在第七阶振型中振动最为剧烈的的节点1附近增加一弹性支撑,支撑刚度设为1.35×106N/m,改造后的管系结构能很好的避开共振;增大支撑体系的支撑刚度,即由1.35×106N/m改为4.05×106N/m,改变支撑刚度后的管系,也能很好的避开共振。 In this paper, the status of abnormal vibration of the ammonia pipeline system in Hubei Yi - hua fertilizer plant, Large finite element software ANSYS to analyze the obtained The reason is that the main frequency of the seventh order natural frequency of the piping structure and incentive similar caused by resonance. Does not change on the basis of the main characteristics of the piping system and pipe structure , to take two simple damping method and its transformation , and simulation, The results showed that : the increase in the most dramatic of the node near an elastic support in the seventh - order vibration mode , vibration , support stiffness is set to 1.35 ×10^6 After transformation, the piping structure to avoid resonance; Increase the stiffness of the support system of support , changed from 1.35 ×10^6 to 4.05 ×10^6, changing the support stiffness of the piping , and can avoid resonance.
作者 陈会
出处 《山东化工》 CAS 2015年第16期156-159,共4页 Shandong Chemical Industry
关键词 振动 有限元软件ANSYS 频率 化工管道 刚度 fibration finite element software ANSYS frequency chemical pipeline stiffness
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