设计开发了基于云计算的棉花数据服务系统,通过采用.NET技术,B/S架构,SQL server数据库,完成了棉花加工企业-县发改委-地州市发改委-自治区发改委四级棉花数据上报机制,实现了通知公告、数据申报及审核、企业停报及恢复、查询统计等客户端的功能和需求,改变传统纸质申报方式,使数据的真实性,及时性和追溯性得到了保障。参照中国棉花价格收购价格指数定义了新疆棉花价格收购指数,并进行数据挖掘处理,做到了按棉花加工年度统计各类数据,向广大企业提供有价值的信息。
Design and development of a system based on cotton cloud data services, through the use .NET technology, B/S architecture, SQL server database, completed a cotton processing enterprises-County Development and Reform Commission-the City Development and Reform Commission-four cotton Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission data reporting mechanism, announcement achieved, data reporting and auditing, corporate breakers and restore, query and statistics client needs to change the traditional paper-based methods of reporting, so that authenticity, timeliness and traceability of data is guaranteed. Referring to the purchase price of Chinese cotton price index defines cotton purchase price index and data mining process, done by all kinds of cotton processing annual statistical data, the majority of enterprises to provide valuable information.
Electronic Design Engineering