

Study on Small Sea Surface Target Detection Mode in Terminal Guidance Radar
摘要 为了解决当前末制导雷达检测海面小目标困难的问题,提出了一种基于距离扫描定位的间接角度测量模式。该模式运用距离向的扫描和一维信号处理目标检测方法,确定目标的距离信息;划分方位向波束扫描区域,运用二分法并结合距离向的检测结果,间接确定目标的方位信息。该种小目标检测模式避开了末制导雷达远距离测角精度受限问题,可以有效地检测海面小目标。 In order to solve the issue that it is difficult for current terminal guidance radar to detect small targets on sea surface, we established a kind of indirect angle measuring mode based on positioning by scanning in distance. This mode used the methods of scanning in distance and one-dimensional signal pro- cessing target detection to determine the distance information of target; with the method of dichotomy and the result of detection in distance, azimuthal beam scanning area was divided to determine the azimuthal information of target indirectly. This kind of small target detection mode avoids the long-range terminal guidance radar problem of limited angular accuracy and it can detect small targets on sea surface effectively.
出处 《四川兵工学报》 CAS 2015年第8期124-126,共3页 Journal of Sichuan Ordnance
关键词 距离扫描定位 一维信号处理目标检测 区域划分 二分法 positioning by scanning in distance one-dimensional signal processing target detection areapartition dichotomy
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