
水利普查成果数据立方体并行计算方法研究 被引量:1

Research on Water Census Data Cube Parallel Computing Method
摘要 水利普查成果数据具有数据量大、维度多、维度分层等特点,因此物化水利普查成果数据立方体,所需的时间空间成本非常高。提出一种基于Map/Reduce计算模型进行外壳片段立方体并行计算的新方法。实验结果表明,该方法能够有效地提高在大数据集上计算外壳片段立方体的效率,降低物化水利普查成果数据立方体的时间空间成本。将水利普查成果数据立方体应用于多维分析系统,从多方面清晰直观地展现水利普查成果数据。 Water census data has the following characteristics: large amount of data, many dimensions and dimension hierarchy, etc. Chemical water census data cube, the time and space cost is very high. This paper puts forward a new method of parallel computing for shell fragments cube based on Map/Reduce calculation model. The experimental results indicate that the method can effectively improve the computation efficiency of shell fragments cube on large data sets, decrease the cost of the time and space of water census data cube. Water census data cube is applied to multidimensional analysis system. It clearly and intuitively shows water census data from several aspects.
出处 《水利信息化》 2015年第4期1-7,共7页 Water Resources Informatization
基金 水利部公益性行业科研专项经费项目(201501022)
关键词 水利普查 数据立方体 外壳片段立方体 Map/Reduce技术 water census data cube shell fragments cube technology of Map/Reduce
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