
从纳粹掠夺艺术品的返还看日掠文物返还可行性 被引量:2

From the Restitution of Nazi-looted Arts to the Restitution of Cultural Objects Looted by Japan during the Second World War
摘要 第二次世界大战中被掠夺或被非法转移文物的返还至今还是一个特殊的历史遗留问题。经过几十年的努力,纳粹掠夺艺术品必须返还给受害者已经成为一种国际共识,欧美各国通过缔结双边或多边协定、制定特别立法、建立专门机构以及司法救济等方式,促成许多被掠艺术品返还给原所有人或合法继承者。抗日战争是第二次世界大战的有机组成部分,日本掠夺文物与纳粹掠夺艺术品的做法如出一辙,国际社会在处理因纳粹掠夺艺术品带来的国际争端方面积累的实践和经验,对于亚洲国家处理被日掠夺文物的返还也具有较强的借鉴意义。 The restitution of cultural properties looted or transferred illegally during the Second World War has been a special problem left over by history. After decades of efforts, an international consensus has been reached that the Nazi-looted arts must be restituted to the victims. By a variety of means such as concluding bilateral or multilater- al agreements, making special legislations, setting up special agencies or making use of the judicial relief procedure, many western countries have successfully contributed to the restitution of a number of looted-arts to their original own- ers or their legal inheritors. During the War of Resistance against Japan, which was an integral part of the Second World War, the plunder of cultural objects by Japan had great similarities with the looting of arts by Nazi. Practices and experience of settlements of the international disputes caused by Nazi-looted arts may have referential significance for Asian countries to retrieve cultural objects looted by Japan.
作者 王云霞
出处 《政法论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期55-64,共10页 Journal of Political Science and Law
基金 国家社科基金项目"第二次世界大战期间被掠文物返还的法律问题研究"(项目编号14BFX125)中期成果
关键词 纳粹 掠夺 艺术品 日本 二战 文物 返还 Nazi looted works of art Japan Second World War cultural objects restitution
  • 相关文献


  • 1教育部清理战时文物损失委员会编:《中国战时文物损失数量及估价目录》,藏第二历史档案馆.
  • 2"Inter- Allied Declaration against Acts of Dispossession committed in Territories under Enemy Occupation of Control", available at: http :/! www. lootedartcommissi om/inter - allied - declaration.
  • 3L. V. Prott, The History and Development of Process for the Recovery of Cultural Heritage, in Lyndel. V. Prott ( ed. ) , Witness to History: A Compendium of Documents and Wrings on the Return of Cultural Objects. Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 2009, pp. 5 -11.
  • 4俄罗斯联邦文化事务部“文化瑰宝一战争牺牲品”网站英文版:http://lostart.ru/en/move/,2015年4月10目访问.
  • 5"Agreement between the Republic of Hungary and the Russian Federation, 1992", available at: http ://www. lootedart, com/MFEU4G99848,最后访问日期:2015年3月1日.
  • 6“Resolution1205oftheCouncilofEurope”,availableat:http://www.100tedartcommission.com/council-of-europe,2015年3月10日访问.
  • 7“WashingtonConferencePrinciplesonNazi-ConfiscatedArt”,availableat:http://www.100tedart.corn/MG7QA043892,最后访问日期:2015年3月1日.
  • 8Joint Declaration by the Federal Government, the L nder ( Federal States) and the National Associations of Local Authorities on the tracing and return of Nazi -confiscated art, especially Jewish property", available at: http://www, lootedart, com/MFEU4B68721 ,2015年3月1日访问.
  • 9Federal State Act on the Return of Cultural Objects from Austrian Federal Museums and Collections", available at : http ://www. lootedart, com/月10日访问.
  • 10See The Right Honourable Sir David Hirst, "Report of the Spoliation advisory panel in respect of a painting now in the possession of the Tate gal- lery", London : the Stationery office, 18th January 2001.


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  • 2《陆战法规和惯例公约》.http://www.icrc.org/web/chi/sitechio.nsf/htm/hagueconvention 4-18101907./2006-06-30.
  • 3扬泽伟.宏观国际法[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社,2001.
  • 4联合国教科文组织“促进文化财产返还给原有国的政府间委员会”第14届会议资料.
  • 5胥晓莺.流失海外国宝的漫漫回乡路[EB/OL].http://www.businesswatch.com.cn/Html/gov/0632912002636804.html./2006-06-28.
  • 6张锦芳.日本向韩国归还朝鲜半岛古籍《朝鲜王朝实录》[EB/OL].http://news.sina.com.cn/w/2006-07-15/111610432245.shtml./2006-07-25.
  • 7张作锦.中国人为什么不能要回来?[EB/OL].http://ef.cdpa.nsysu.edu.tw/ccw/06/ask.htm./2006-07-25.
  • 8Events and Conferences:Washington Conference on Holocaust-Era Assets[EB/OL].http://www.lootedart.com/International/Events%20and%20Conferences/WashingtonConferenceonHolocaust-EraAssets.asp./2006-06-30.
  • 9WaShington Conference Principles on Nazi-confiscated Art[EB/OL].http://www.lootedartcommission.com/lootedart_washingtonprinciples.htm./2006-06-30.
  • 10ICOM Recommendations concerning the Return of Works of Art Belonging to Jewish Owners[EB/OL].http://icom.museum/worldwar2.html./2006-06-30.












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