
塔式起重机塔帽静力学有限元分析 被引量:1

Finite Element Analysis of Static for Tower Ctane
摘要 以塔式起重机的塔帽为研究对象,运用有限元分析软件hypermesh以及三维模型设计软件solidworks建立起整体结构的有限元模型,讨论了塔式起重机在各种工况中的临界条件下的简化,载荷的确定和重点部位的应力分析,分析所得结论可以结合hypermesh这一有限元分析软件建立和该设备相关的有限元程序,将几何数据进行参数化处理之后,可投入到起重机的初步设计和相关产品的系列化设计以及模拟前的检测实验中去。 With tower crane as the research object, using the finite element analysis software and design software and solidworks( the three-dimensional finite element model) to build the overall structure of the model , the paper discussed simplification of the tower crane under a variety of conditions in critical condi- tion, determination of the load and stress analysis of the focused parts. The conclusions of the analysis can be combined with the finite element analysis software to build the finite element program associated with the equipment. The processed geometric parameters of the data can be put to preliminary design of cranes, a series of design of related products and testing laboratory simulation of the device before going for the practical application in the project.
出处 《湖北工业大学学报》 2015年第4期82-85,共4页 Journal of Hubei University of Technology
基金 冶金装备及其控制教育部重点实验室开放基金资助项目(2013A07) 武汉市特种设备监督检验所资助项目(201242011 2000191)
关键词 塔式起重机 有限元分析 静力学分析 tower crane finite element analysis static analysis
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