

Evaluation of Effect of Qishanbao on Growth Promotion, Yield Increase and Disease Prevention of Sunflower
摘要 为明确奇善宝对向日葵促生、增产和抗病作用,2011、2012年在陕西省靖边县进行了奇善宝对向日葵拌种和生育期喷雾效果田间试验。结果表明,奇善宝具有促进向日葵根系生长、叶肉变厚变绿和植株增高等作用,且有一定的增产效果。同时,奇善宝也能增强向日葵对向日葵菌核病、黄萎病和叶斑病的抵抗能力。良好的促生增产和病害防控作用,显示出奇善宝在向日葵生产上具有很好的应用价值。 In order to evaluate the effects of Qishanbao on the growth promotion, yield increase and disease prevention of sunflower, a field experiment was carried out in Jingbian county of Shan’xi Province through seed dressing and seedling spraying with Qishanbao in 2011 and 2012. The result showed that Qishanbao could promote crop rooting, make leaf thick and dark green, increase plant height, while the yield of the sunflower increased someway. At the same time, it could also improve the sunflower’s resistance to sunflower sclerotinia stalk/head rot, sunflower verticillium wilt and sunflower leaf spot.The good growth promotion and disease control effects of Qishanbao showed its good application value in the sunflower production.
出处 《宁夏农林科技》 2015年第7期60-62,75,共3页 Journal of Ningxia Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology
基金 国家向日葵产业技术体系建设项目(CARS-16)
关键词 奇善宝 向日葵 促进作用 增产 抗病能力 Qishanbao Sunflower Growth promotion Yield increase Disease resistance
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