Concentrating on the three major tasks which include rising up the enrollment rate of children with disabilities, strengthening the guarantee of conditions and improving the teaching quality, this paper analyzed the policies carried out by local governments to implement National Special Education Promotion Plan (2014- 2016). Characteristics are drawn as follows. First, all of the local governments are working hard to ensure compulsory education for children with disabilities and are trying to promote pre-school and high school education step by step. Second, the average budget expenditure of RMB6000 for each student with disabilities has been realized, which covers students in special education schools, regular schools and receiving home-based education. Moreover, special fundings for special education continue to increase and the basic facilities construction of special education are further strengthened. Third, teacher compliment, special allowance, professional development and incentives have been improved; curriculum construction and teaching strategies reform have been paid atten- tion. Futhermore, the policies of local governments have regional characteristics. Rising up the enrollment rate is the major task for most provinces, but in Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Tianjin, governments have begun to im- prove the quality. Based on the analysis above, several suggestion are drawn: first, professional awareness of policy makers should be quality of education improved; second, practicality and measurability of the policies should be enhanced; third, management of special schools established by NGO and special education development in ethnic areas should be promoted through policies.
Chinese Journal of Special Education
Special Education Promotion Plan special education policy content analysis of the policies