
聋童的视觉观点采择与心理理论:基于模拟理论的证据 被引量:3

Deaf Children's Visual Perspective Taking and Theory of Mind: Evidence for the Simulation Theory
摘要 研究旨在说明听力正常家庭聋童的心理理论滞后是否与其缺乏心理领域的特殊能力有关。选取16名9-13岁听力正常家庭聋童和16名同龄的听力正常儿童,考察他们在视觉观点采择任务和错误信念任务上的表现。结果显示聋童基于模拟的视觉观点采择得分显著低于听力正常儿童。并且,儿童基于模拟的视觉观点采择得分与其错误信念理解得分显著相关。上述结果说明听力正常家庭聋童的心理理论滞后可能与其缺乏心理领域的特殊能力——模拟能力有关。 The present study is aimed to clarify whether theory of mind delay in deaf children of heating fatal-lies is related to their deficiency in specific skills in the mental domain. Sixteen 9 - 13 year - old deaf children of hearing families and age - matched typically developing children participated in the present study. Each child completed visual perspective taking task and the false belief task. The results indicated that the deaf children' s simulation - based visual perspective taking scores were significantly lower than those of the hearing children. In addition, children' s simulation - based visual perpective taking scores were significantly correlated to their false belief understanding scores. The results suggested that theory of mind delay in deaf children of hearing families might be explained by their lack of the specific skill in the mental domain, the simulation skills.
作者 郝坚 苏彦捷
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第8期17-22,共6页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 听力正常家庭聋童 视觉观点采择 模拟 心理理论 deaf children of hearing families visual perspective taking simulation theory of mind
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