
飞机消毒凝固剂的开发与应用性能研究 被引量:2

Development and Application Performance of Disinfection Gel Agent On-board Airplane
摘要 目的研究开发一种集消毒、吸水、凝胶功能为一体的卫生产品,用于飞机客舱内血液、分泌物、呕吐物和排泄物等污物的应急卫生处理。方法对4种高分子吸水树脂的吸水性能进行考察筛选,并对影响因素进行研究,确定优化处方。按照ISO、SEA和国家标准方法,对研发产品的功效进行检测验证,指标包括吸水倍率、吸水速率、凝胶强度、杀菌效果、稳定性、适航性。结果以粒径为90~120μm的PAAAM树脂为吸水材料,二氯氰尿酸钠为消毒剂,二者质量浓度配比96∶4为最优处方,可获得平衡(1h)吸水倍率(84.21±1.2)g/g,15 s吸水速率为(31.82±1.23)g/g;在60吸水倍率浓度下,对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌作用10 min,杀灭对数值〉3.00;对真实血液、尿液、呕吐物和排泄物等溅污具有吸水、凝胶固化和消毒的功效。在30倍率的浓度下作用5 h,对飞机座舱材料的影响符合航空安全标准。结论本研发产品对应急处置飞机客舱内溅污,预防病原体传播具有推广应用价值。 Objective An on-board disinfection gel agent was investigated and developed for emergency disposal of blood, urine, vomit and feces spatters in aircraft cabin. Methods The water-absorption capacity of four kinds of super absorbent polymer was tested and selected ; The influencing factors were investigated to optimize the perscription of the disinfection gel agent. Performance evaluation of the disinfection gel agent was conducted in according to ISO, SAE and national standard methods. Results PAAAM, whose particle size was between 80μxm and 120μm, was selected as absorbent disinfectant. The concentration ratio 96:4 of PAAAM material;sodium dichloro cyanuric acid was selected as and sodium dichloro cyanuric acid was the optimal pre-scription with water-absorption capacity of (84.21±1.2) g/g, absorption rate of (31.82±1.23 ) g/g in 15 s. The killing log values of staphylococcus aureus and escherichia coli exposed for 10 min were 〉 3.00 under the condition of 65 g/g water-absorption rate. Field trial showed that the ter such as blood, urine, vomit and feces into a sterile granulated gel agent could convert body fluids spat- satisfying the aviation safety requirements. Conclusion The on-board disinfection gel agent has high performance efficacy for emergency of the spatter in aircraft cabin and prevention of pathogen transmission by aviation.
出处 《航天医学与医学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期280-283,共4页 Space Medicine & Medical Engineering
基金 中国民用航空局科技基金资助(MHDR201204)
关键词 体液消毒 飞机消毒 高分子吸水树脂 body fluids disinfection aircraft disinfection super absorbent polymer disposal
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