
救生伞背带材料的力学性能研究 被引量:2

Study on Mechanical Performance of Webbing Materials in Parachute Harness
摘要 目的研究五种现役的救生伞背带的织带材料的力学性能,为研究救生伞背带约束系统的约束性能提供数据。方法通过厚度计、力学实验机、摩擦测量装置分别对5种织带材料44-2600,44-2000A,44-1600,18-650和20-530A进行测试,其中前3种为主带,后2种为辅带。结果该5种织带厚度分别为(1.88±0.04)mm,(1.99±0.03)mm,(1.78±0.01)mm,(0.99±0.01)mm和(1.72±0.01)mm,3种主带与棉布及皮革的摩擦系数分别为0.185,0.213,0.178以及0.411,0.432,0.375。44-2600和18-650分别在主带和辅助带中表现出最高的抗拉强度。结论主带和辅带分别为44-2600和18-650的救生伞背带能提供更好的力学强度和约束性能。 Objective To explore the mechanical properties of webbing of harness in service, and then provide additional information for the study of the performance of restraint harness. Methods A mechanical testing on five kinds of webbings of harness was performed using thickness gauge, mechanical testing machine and fric- tion testing device. The five kinds of webbing were as follows : 44-2600, 44-2000A, 44-1600, 18-650 and 20- 530A, the former three were the primary strap and the latter two were secondary strap. The data of stress versus strain of the five types of webbing were calculated. Results The thickness of the five types of webbing were (1.88±0.04) mm, (1.99±0.03) mm, (1.78±0.01) ram, (0.99±0.01) mmand (1.72±0.01) mm respectively. The friction coefficient between cloth and three primary straps were 0. 185, 0. 213, 0. 178, and these values with leather were 0. 411,0. 432, 0. 375. Webbing of 44-2600 and 18-650 displayed the best tensile strength in the group of primary strap and the secondary strap respectively. Conclusion The parachute harness with primary strap of 44-2600 and secondary strap of 18-650 can offer higher strength and better re- straint performance.
出处 《航天医学与医学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期288-292,共5页 Space Medicine & Medical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(11421202 11120101001 11202017)
关键词 救生伞背带 织带 力学测试 parachute harness webbing mechanical testing
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