
神圣化抑或世俗化:大众旅游与宗教旅游目的地关系探析 被引量:3

Sanctification or Secularization:An Analysis on the Tourist Destination Relationship between Mass Tourism and Religious Travel
摘要 关于大众旅游与宗教旅游地的关系研究,宗教人类学界大致存在着两种意见:一是大众旅游导致了宗教旅游目的地的世俗化;二是大众旅游促进了旅游目的地宗教及其相关文化的繁荣,促进了其神圣性。在对普陀山佛教宗教旅游的情况的分析基础上,发现单纯的"世俗化"或者"神圣化"都不能概括大众旅游与普陀山宗教旅游目的地的关系。不仅"世俗化"或者"神圣化"两者同时存在,另外,在佛教文化内在层面(或者主位观点),宗教存在一种"转凡为圣"的文化力,促使我们进一步思考宗教旅游的"凡/圣"关系。 About the research on the relationship of tourist destination between mass tourism and religious travel, two ideas has been existing in the field of religious anthropology. One is that the mass tourism results in the secularization of religious tourist destinations; the other is that mass tourism promotes the development of the religions and its culture of the tourist destinations, and even its holiness. On the basis of analyzing the Buddhism religious tourism of Putuo mountain , it shows that absolute "ecularization" or"sanctification" cannot summarize the relationship of tourist destinations between mass tourism and Putuo Buddhism religious travel for the concurrence of the two ,and on the internal level of Buddhist culture (or from the emic perspective) , the religion has cultural power to convert ordinary into holy, which makes us to think over the "ordinary/holy" relationship of religious tourism.
作者 林敏霞
机构地区 浙江师范大学
出处 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期41-48,共8页 Qinghai Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家旅游局<神圣化抑或世俗化:大众旅游与宗教旅游目的地关系探析>阶段性成果 项目编号:13TAAG012
关键词 转凡为圣 普陀山 旅游人类学 Converting Ordinary into Holy Putuo Mountain Travel Anthropology
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