
基于小波去噪的灰色马尔柯夫基坑变形预测 被引量:4

The Deformation Prediction of Deep Foundation Pits Based on A Wavelet Denoised Grey Markov Model
摘要 结合营口某深基坑开挖工程实例,提出一种小波去噪和无偏灰色马尔科夫链联合建模的方法,对该深基坑的围护结构进行变形预测分析。首先是采用小波去噪的方法处理监测数据,从监测数据中提取能够准确反映基坑围护结构变形的数据,利用提取出的变形数据建立灰色马尔科夫模型进行变形预测分析。在工程的实践中表明,采用小波去噪后的变形数据建立的灰色马尔科夫模型,无论是中期还是初期都保持较高的预测精度。 In combination with the example of a deep foundation pit in Yingkou, this paper presents a new method of wavelet denoising and unbiased gray Markov chain combined modeling to predict and analyze the deformation of the re- taining structure. At first, wavelet denoising method was adopted to process the monitoring data, and extract the deforma- tion data that could reflect the deformation of the retaining structure accurately from the monitoring data. And then the ex- tracted data was used to establish the grey Markov model for the deformation prediction. According to the application practice, this grey Markov model remains high accuracy during the early and middle stage of the prediction.
出处 《水利与建筑工程学报》 2015年第4期215-219,共5页 Journal of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering
关键词 深基坑 变形 小波分析 灰色理论 马尔柯夫链 deep foundation deformation wavelet analysis grey theory Markov chain
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