
数字阅读的视障服务研究 被引量:2

Digital Reading for the Visually-impaired
摘要 数字阅读在提供视障服务方面具有显著优势,数字阅读视障服务要能实现内容使用、功能交互与阅读获取等的无障碍;服务模式包括专业服务与兼容服务两种,在用户体验与数字阅读可获得性上各具优劣;数字阅读视障服务应采取综合性策略,以及建立完善的社会机制,包括服务规范、版权机制、动力机制等。 Digital reading has some dramatic advantages regarding serving the visually-impaired. The service should cover the accessibility of usage, interaction and acquisition. Each of the two modes, i.e., professional service and compatible service, has its pros and cons. Consequently, some comprehensive measure shall be adopted And, sustainable social mechanism, e.g., service standards, copyright law and dynamics, need to be established.
作者 付跃安
出处 《图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期77-83,共7页 Library Tribune
关键词 数字阅读 无障碍服务 视障服务 专业服务 兼容服务 digital reading accessibility service service for the visually-impaired professional service compatible service
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