

Audit Research on Contents of Short-message Based on Cloud Computing
摘要 随着移动通信技术的飞速发展和手机普及率的迅速提高,手机短信越来越受到众多人士的青睐。短信业务之所以成为人们的一种重要通信和交流方式,是由于其本身的诸多优点例如短小、迅速、简便、价格低廉等,直接影响着每个人的日常生活。短信的广泛应用也带来了不少问题,比如垃圾短信泛滥成灾,不仅极大的影响了人们的正常生活和通信,而且使许多人的经济受到了损失,因此研究垃圾短信过滤具有重要的意义。 With the rapid development of mobile communication technology and the increasing popular- ization rate of mobile phone, short message service (SMS) has win more and more good graces among all ages of people. By virtue of its shortness, promptness, simplicity, cheapness and many other bene-fits, SMS is becoming an important way of communication and exchange, which directly affects everyone's daily life. The high growth of mobile phone users also brings many problems. For example, the proliferation of spam messages not only greatly affects people's normal life and communication, but also results in many economy losses. Therefore, there is great significance in doing the research on spam messages filtering.
出处 《黔南民族师范学院学报》 2015年第4期88-91,共4页 Journal of Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities
关键词 云计算 分词算法 过滤垃圾短信 cloud computing word segmentation algorithm filtering spam messages
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