
论确立海洋争端强制仲裁管辖权的法律要件——以《联合国海洋法公约》附件七仲裁为视角 被引量:2

Legal Requirements for the Establishment of Jurisdiction over Compulsory Arbitration of Maritime Disputes: From the Perspective of Arbitration under Annex VII of the UNCLOS
摘要 仲裁法庭对提交其审理的争端是否具有管辖权是强制仲裁程序向前推进必须要解决的问题。有关确立《联合国海洋法公约》(以下简称飞公约矿)附件七仲裁项下仲裁法庭管辖权的法律条款散见于《公约》第十五部分和附件七,包括主体适格、客体适格、“大前提”程序要件和“小前提”程序要件四个方面的规定。仲裁法庭在确立自身管辖权的过程中,对“四要件”中任一要件的成就与否都应予以正面回答,形成完整的逻辑链。迄今为止的实践中,附件七仲裁法庭确立自身管辖权或者国际海洋法法庭确立相关仲裁法庭初步管辖权的论证大都存在问题;争端当事方对“大前提”程序要件,尤其是《公约》第283条第1款项下义务是否已履行的争论最多。 In order to continue compulsory arbitration proceedings, an arbi- tral tribunal should first determine whether it has jurisdiction over a dispute submitted to it for settlement. The legal provisions concerning the establishment of the jurisdiction of an arbitral tribunal constituted in accordance with the Annex VII (Arbitration) of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, are scattered throughout Part XV and Annex VII of the Convention. Such provisions concern four aspects: the eligibility of subject, the eligibility of object, the major procedural requirements and the minor procedural requirements. When the arbitral tribunal attempts to determine that it has jurisdiction over a dispute, it should determine if any one of the four requirements is met in a definitive sense, thus making its contention logically and reasonably founded. To date, the existing practices with respect to the Annex VII arbitral tribunal's establishment of its juris-diction or the statements of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea which demonstrate that the relevant arbitral tribunal has prima facie jurisdiction are, under most circumstances, problematic. Additionally, the parties to a dispute have the greatest controversies over the major procedural requirements, particularly whether theobligations under Article 283(1) of the Convention have been performed.
作者 刘衡
出处 《中国海洋法学评论(中英文版)》 2015年第1期1-63,共63页 China Oceans Law Review
基金 本文是国家社科基金青年项目“海洋争端国际仲裁的新发展与中国对策研究”(批准号:13CFX113)和中国法学会部级法学研究课题青年项目“菲律宾诉中国南海争端强制仲裁案研究”(立项编号:CLS(2013)Y40)研究成果.
关键词 《联合国海洋法公约》 附件七仲裁 强制仲裁 管辖权 四要件确立法 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Annex VIIArbitration Compulsory arbitration Jurisdiction Four requirements theory
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  • 1See the seventeen arbitration cases instituted under Annex VII to the UNCLOS in the Schedule at the end of the text. The other one case is a compulsory arbitration instituted in accordance with the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North- East Atlantic.
  • 2The word "compulsory" is mentioned herein in a procedural sense. Substantially, the parties to a dispute remain free. Nevertheless, the fact that the procedure is instituted unilaterally by a party has radically changed the legal nature of arbitration, since the arbitration receives its name due to the agreement reached by the parties to institute such a procedure. This is the essential element distinguishing arbitration from judicial dispute settlement.
  • 3See the information relating to the dispute on the websites of Permanent Court of Arbitra- tion, at http://www.pca-cpa.org/showpage.asp?pag_id= 1529, 31 December 2014.
  • 4International organizations are allowed to access to the UNCLOS. And currently, the European Union is the only international organization which has accessed to the UNCLOS. "State parties" referred to herein generally mean all the parties to the UNCLOS.
  • 5Article 291 of the UNCLOS (Access) provides that: 1. All the dispute settlement procedures specified in this Part shall be open to States Parties. 2. The dispute settlement procedures specified in this Part shall be open to entities other than States Parties only as specifically provided for in this Convention.
  • 6In practice, this requirement is of little practical significance. A party to a dispute is unlikely to resort to the dispute settlement means which it or the other party is not entitled to adopt. However, this remains theoretically possible. This is one reason why the arbitral tribunal or the ITLOS should first state this aspect, though such statements only concern some well- known facts. Such statements become the point where the arbitral tribunal begins to satisfy itself that it has jurisdiction over a dispute or from which the ITLOS begins to demonstrate that the relevant arbitral tribunal has prima facie jurisdiction.
  • 7Among them, four cases were decided by the arbitral tribunal (3outhern Btuefln luna tases, Arbitration between Barbados and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Arbitration between Guyana and Suriname, and Bay of Bengal Maritime Boundary Arbitration (Bangladesh v. lndia)); four cases were terminated by agreement (The MOX Plant Case, Case concerning Land Reclamation, The "'ARA Libertad" Arbitration, and Atlanto- Scandian Herring Arbitration); five cases were transferred to the ITLOS (The M/V "SAIGA "Case, Swordfish Case, Bay of Bengal Maritime Boundary Arbitration (Bangladesh v. Myanmar), The M/V "'Virginia G'" Case, and Maritime Boundary Arbitration (Ghana v. C6te d'lvoire)).
  • 8The two cases are the Bay of Bengal Maritime Boundary Arbitration (Bangladesh v. India) and the Atlanto-Scandian Herring Arbitration (the Kingdom of Denmark in respect of the Faroe Islands v. the European Union).
  • 9Both the respondent China in the South China Sea Arbitration and the respondent Russian Federation in The Arctic Sunrise Arbitration refused to take part in the relevant arbitration. Both respondents contended that the relevant arbitral tribunal's lack of jurisdiction over the relevant dispute was the reason why they did not take part in the arbitrations.
  • 10Southern Bluefin Tuna Cases (New Zealand v. Japan; Australia v. Japan), Request for Provisional Measures, Order, ITLOS, 27 August 1999, para. 42, at http://www.itlos.org/ fileadmin/itlos/documents/eases/case no 3 4/Order.27.08.99.E.pdf, 31 December 2014. [hereinafter "Southern Bluefin Tuna Cases, Order, ITLOS"].








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