
miRNA-140、MMP-3在OA关节滑液中的表达及相关性研究 被引量:6

The expression and correlation studies about miRNA-140,MMP-3 of synovial fluid in OA
摘要 目的比较miRNA-140和MMP-3在骨性关节炎(OA)组与非OA组关节滑液中的表达,探究miRNA-140和MMP-3与OA的相关性。方法采用实时定量PCR技术检测miRNA-140、MMP-3在OA组(n=65)与非OA组(n=65)关节滑液中的表达水平,并运用Spearman相关分析分析miRNA-140与MMP-3的相关性。结果组间比较显示OA组miRNA-140的表达显著低于非OA组(P<0.05),MMP-3的表达明显高于非OA组(P<0.05)。OA组内各因子之间相关分析显示,miRNA-140和MMP-3呈显著负相关性(r=-0.693、-0.720,P<0.05)。结论相对于非OA病变,OA组关节滑液中miRNA-140低表达,MMP-3高表达,两者之间呈负相关性。 Objective To exploring the correlation between miRNA-140 and MMP-3 in osteoarthritis ( OA), this study compared the OA group with non-OA group over the expression of MMP-3 and miRNA-140 in synovial fluid. Methods Using Real-time quantitative PCR to detect the expression levels of miRNA-140, MMP-3 in synovial flu- id both OA group( n = 65 ) and non-OA group (n = 65 ), then exploring the relationship between miRNA-140 and MMP-3 by using Spearman correlation analysis software. Results The expression of miRNA-140 in OA group was significantly lower than non-OA group ( P 〈 0. 05 ), while the expression of MMP-3 in OA group was significantly higher than non-OA group (P 〈 0. 05 ). miRNA-140 and MMP-3 had a significant negative correlation in OA group by using Spearman correlation analysis software, the correlation coefficient ( r = - 0. 693, - 0. 720, P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusions Relative to non-OA lesions, miRNA-140 shows low expression in OA synovial fluid group, while MMP-3 in the OA group is highly expressed, both showed a significant negative correlation in OA group and non- OA group.
出处 《安徽医科大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第9期1289-1292,共4页 Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Anhui
基金 国家自然科学基金(编号:81160225 81260453 81360451) 兵团医药卫生专项课题(编号:2013BA020) 兵团国际交流与合作专项基金(编号:2012BC002) 兵团骨科创新团队专项(编号:2014BC003)
关键词 骨性关节炎 基质金属蛋白酶-3 小RNA 关节滑液 osteoarthritis matrix metalloproteinases-3 microRNA: svnovial fluid
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