
词汇量与产出性词汇知识对二语口语的影响 被引量:11

Influence of lexical knowledge on L2 oral production
摘要 本研究以我国英语专业二年级学生为受试,考察了词汇量与产出性词汇知识对二语口语的影响。线性回归分析结果表明,词汇量与产出性词汇知识均能显著影响二语口语成绩;与产出性词汇知识相比,词汇量的影响更大。结构方程模型分析结果表明,虽然两种词汇知识的作用机制不同,但二者对二语口语具有协同影响效应。口语报告显示,我国二语学习者虽然能够结合使用两种词汇知识,但在加工速度、准确性和协调性上存在阶段性差异,因而造成不同质量的二语口语表达。本研究对口语教学具有一定启示意义。 With Chinese sophomores majoring in English as the subjects, the influence of lexical knowledge on 12 oral production was investigated. The linear regression results showed that vocabulary size and productive lexical knowledge could predicate the variance in L2 oral production respectively, and the role of vocabulary size was more significant. The structural equation model indicated that though the functioning mechanisms of vocabulary size and productive lexical knowledge were different, the two categories of lexical knowledge coordinated in L2 oral production. The oral reports revealed the processing characteristics of oral production by Chinese L2 speakers: they could employ the two categories of lexical knowledge in a combinational way, but differed in processing speed, accuracy and coordi- nating degree throughout three different stages, thus resulting in different online oral performances. Teaching implica- tions were thereafter discussed.
作者 张晓东
出处 《外语界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期34-41,80,共9页 Foreign Language World
基金 北京第二外国语学院校级团队建设项目(编号2013JXTD0101) 北京市教委社科计划资助项目(编号SQSM201410031001) 北京市高等学校高层次人才引进与培养项目(编号CIT&TCD201404017) 北京市促进人才培养改革项目(编号391002/002)的成果
关键词 词汇量 产出性词汇知识 二语口语 教学启示 vocabulary size productive lexical knowledge L2 oral production teaching implications
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