
耳廓软骨与鼻翼软骨的解剖相似区域研究 被引量:3

The anatomical structure similarity research on auricular cartilage and nasal alar cartilage
摘要 目的:对耳廓软骨和鼻翼软骨进行尸体解剖,探寻二者解剖形态的相似性,为临床应用耳廓软骨修复鼻翼软骨缺损提供更详细依据。方法:解剖10例成人尸体耳廓、鼻翼标本,获取完整的耳廓软骨及鼻翼软骨各20枚。利用16排螺旋CT对软骨进行扫描,mimics软件数据处理,三维重建耳廓软骨、鼻翼软骨模型,测量软骨数据,应用软件手术模拟模块,在耳廓软骨中探寻与鼻翼软骨解剖形态相似的区域。结果:耳廓软骨的耳甲腔、耳屏间切迹和耳屏区域,耳甲艇、耳轮脚部分区域,三角窝、耳轮脚部分区域,上述3个区域与鼻翼软骨在结构形态上具有相似性。结论:耳廓软骨中耳甲腔、耳甲艇、耳屏间切迹、耳屏、耳轮脚部分区域、三角窝的局部解剖形态与鼻翼软骨相似,均可作为软骨移植的供区。 Objective:There are marly scaffold materials of repairing nasal alar cartilage defects. Auricular car- tilage was used extensively in terms of its abundant tissues, good elasticity, little donor-site malformation, good plasticity etc. The authors dissected auricular cartilage and nasal alar cartilage, measured cartilage's morphous da- ta and found some similar territories with nasal alar cartilage in the structure of auricular cartilage. Method:An an- atomical study was performed using 10 adult cadavers acquired through Plastic Surgery Hospital, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China. Seven male and three female cadav-ers were included in the study. Harvest 20 auricular cartilage specimens and 20 nasal Mar cartilage specimens. Then, Computed Tomography Scan on the au- ricular cartilage and nasal alar cartilage were performed. The datas were imported into mimics and three-dimen- sional reconstructions of the auricular cartilage and nasal alar cartilage were carried on. Result:Parts of the auricu- lar cartilage, such as conchal fossa, tragus, intertragic notch, and cymba of auricular concha, curs of helix and curs of helix, triangular fossa, are ana-tomically similar to nasal alar cartilage. Conclusion:This study reports the anatomy of auricular cartilage and nasal alar cartilage, found some territories in the auricular cartilage, such as conchal fossa, tragus, intertragic notch, and cymba of auricular concha, curs of helix and curs of helix, triangular fossa, are anatomically similar to nasal alar cartilage. This research provides the anatomical basis that auricular cartilage was used to repair the nasal cartilage defect.
出处 《临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第17期1534-1537,共4页 Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery
关键词 耳廓软骨 鼻翼软骨 解剖研究 auricular cartilage nasal alar cartilage anatomical research
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