对电力行业PTP规范文件IEEE C37.238-2011标准进行总结和分析。首先介绍电力行业PTP规范与IEEE1588标准的关系,然后介绍电力行业PTP规范定义的参数、机制等与IEEE1588标准的不同之处以及其特有的一些参数,最后分析PTP精确时间同步协议在以后应用中可能面临的问题及解决办法。电力行业PTP规范为了给外界提供全球可用时间、设备互操作和故障管理,在IEEE Std 1588-2008标准基础上规定了新的PTP参数子集和特权。新的PTP参数子集和特权使基于IEEE1588的时间同步机制可以通过以太网通信结构在电力系统关键领域得到有效应用,这些领域包括保护、控制、自动化和数据通信等。
This paper provides a summary of the IEEE C37.238-2011 standard. Firstly, it introduces the relationship between the IEEE C37.238 standard and the IEEE1588 standard. Then, it introduces the difference on the parameter and mechanism, which are defined by C37.238 standard and the IEEE1588 standard. And it introduces the characteristic parameters of C37.238. At last, it analyzes the problems and corresponding solutions may be faced by PTP precision time protocol in future applying. It specifies a subset of PTP parameters and options to provide global time availability, device interoperability, and failure management. This set of PTP parameters and options allows IEEE 1588-based time synchronization to be used in mission critical power system protection, control, automation, and data communication applications utilizing Ethernet communications architecture.
Power System Protection and Control