
内镜下不同大小气囊扩张十二指肠乳头治疗胆总管结石近远期效果的研究 被引量:6

The short and long term outcomes of ampulla dilation with balloons of different sizes for removing common bile duct stones
摘要 目的探讨内镜下使用不同大小气囊的十二指肠乳头扩张术(EPBD)治疗胆总管结石的近远期效果。方法将连续收治的485例胆总管结石患者结石最大直径划分为:(1)≤6mm;(2)〉6—8mm;(3)〉8~10mm;(4)〉10~12mm;(5)〉12mm。分别对应给予单纯小切口(经内镜下乳头括约肌切开)及小切口联合8mm、10ml/l、12mm、14mm气囊扩张,相应将胆总管结石患者分为5组,单纯小切口组及小切口联合8mm组、10mm组、12mm组、14mm组。然后采用取石网篮、取石球囊取石,必要时机械碎石,分析比较不同组之间的近远期效果。结果取石成功率为100%,无死亡病例,无肠穿孔发生。23例(4.74%)有逆行性胆管造影(ERC)术后急性胰腺炎,8例(1.65%)患者术后有上消化道出血。单纯小切口组及小切口联合8mm组、10mm组、12mm组、14mm组ERC术后急性胰腺炎发生率分别为3.1%(3/98)、4.9%(4/81)、3.5%(7/203)、8.9%(6/67)、8.3%(3/36)(P=0.285),各组术后上消化道出血发生率分别为3.1%(3/98)、0(0/81)、0.5%(1/203)、3.O%(2/67)、5.5%(2/36)(P=0.080),各组之间的近期并发症发生率比较差异无统计学意义。各组之间远期随访胆道积气的发生率分别为2.0%(2/98)、4.9%(4/81)、8.4%(17/203)、14.9%(10/67)、52.8%(19/36),差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001),随扩张气囊的直径增加而增高。结论根据胆总管结石大小选择适当大小气囊EPBD联合小切口治疗胆总管结石安全、有效,但随着气囊直径的增加,Oddi括约肌功能损害可能更大。 Objective To assess the short and long term outcomes of endoscopic papillary balloon dilation (EPBD) with different sized balloon for removal of common bile duct (CBD) stones. Methods A total of 485 consecutive patients were enrolled, who were divided into five groups based on the largest CBD stone size, i.e. group 1≤6mm, group 2 〉6-8 mm, group 3 〉 8-10 mm, group 4 〉 10-12 mm,and group 5 〉 12 mm. Patients in each group underwent limited endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) alone, or limited EST followed by EPBD with 8 ram, 10 mm, 12 mm, or 14 mm balloons, respectively. CBD stones were re- moved with retrieval balloon, Dormia basket, and/or mechanical lithotripsy if necessary. The short and long term outcomes were compared among these five groups. Results The overall success rates of stone removal in all groups were 100%, and no perforation or death occurred. Twenty-three (4.74%) patients had post- ERC pancreatitis, and 8 (1.65%) had post-operative bleeding. The incidences of post-ERC acute pancrea- titis of each group were 3.1% (3/98), 4. 9% (4/81), 3.5% (7/203), 8. 9% (6/67), 8. 3% (3/36) ,re- spectively ( P = 0. 285 ). The incidences of bleeding in each group were 3.1% ( 3/98 ), 0 ( 0/81 ), 0. 5% ( 1/203 ), 3.0% ( 2/67 ) and 5.5% ( 2/36 ), respectively( P = 0. 080 ). There was no significant differences in early complication rates among the five groups. The incidences of pneumobilia of each group were 2. 0% (2/98), 4.9% (4/81), 8.4% ( 17/203 ), 14.9% ( 10/67 ) and 52. 8% ( 19/36), respectively ( P 〈 0. 001 ). The incidence of pneumobilia increased with the size of the balloon. Conelttsion Choice of a bal- loon size based on the largest CBD stone diameter is safe and effective for removing CBD stones, but with the increase of balloon size, Oddi function may be damaged more severely.
出处 《中华消化内镜杂志》 北大核心 2015年第8期534-539,共6页 Chinese Journal of Digestive Endoscopy
基金 基金项目:上海市卫生局科研课题资助(201104369) 上海市浦东新区科技发展基金创新资金资助(PKJ2013一Y06)
关键词 内镜下十二指肠乳头气囊扩张术 内镜下十二指肠乳头括约肌切开术 胆总管结石 Endoscopic papillary balloon dilation Endoscopic sphincterotomy Common bile duct stones
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