在试验和有限元分析的基础上,介绍了特殊螺纹接头上扣扭矩曲线与接头结构的关系,并完成了宝钢BGT2系列196.85×12.7 mm BG140V BGT2套管气密封特殊螺纹接头的上扣过程的模拟。参照ISO13679(2002)标准要求,针对不同的几何尺寸组合分别建立有限元模型,并分析其上扣过程扭矩曲线变化,探讨了不同尺寸参数对扭矩曲线形状的影响;同时利用有限元模型计算了该规格产品的屈服扭矩和上扣过程接触力变化。通过与实物试验的对比,验证了该分析结果的可靠性,从而为产品开发和使用提供指导。
Based on experiments and finite element analysis (FEA), the relationships between mechanical structure and make-up curve of premium connections were introduced, and a make-up process of φ196.85 mm × 12.7 mm BG140V BGT2 premium connection was performed. According to ISO 13679 (2002) , models based on different dimensions were founded, and make-up curves were got from the FEM output. According to the study of the curves, effects of different connection feathers on make-up curve were discussed. Contact force and yield torque of the connection was analyzed upon the analysis result. Comparison with the real make-up curve, the reliability of this method was validated, which is helpful for the design and apply of premium connection.
Baosteel Technology