为减小高温合金GH4169铣削过程中切削力对加工精度及表面质量的影响,采用Deform 3D有限元方法对高温合金GH4169铣削过程中的铣削力进行了建模与仿真.通过铣削力正交试验验证了模型的准确度.利用单因素仿真实验分析了铣削参数对铣削力的影响规律.仿真与试验结果表明:端铣高温合金GH4169时铣削力仿真值与试验值基本吻合,模型准确度优于其他铣削力模型;在切削用量三要素中,对铣削力影响最大的是铣削深度,其次是进给量和铣削宽度,影响最小的是铣削速度.
Based on Software Deform 3D,the finite element method is used of to simulate the process of the Super-Alloy GH4169 milling,and then to verify the accuracy of the model by means of orthogonal experiment.The influence rules of milling parameters on milling forces are analyzed by using single factor simulation experiment.A comparison is made between simulated results and experimental values. The simulated results agree well with the experimental values,and have high accuracy.In the process, GH4169 milling force is most influenced by the milling depth,followed by feed and milling width,the least is the milling speed.
Journal of Xi’an Technological University