
农村学校布局调整政策:背景、形成、实施与启示 被引量:13

The Policy of Rural School Layout Adjustment:Context,Formation,Implementation and Lessons
摘要 从网点下伸、多种形式的分散办学到集中办学是30多年来农村学校布局变化的基本趋势。农村一度呈现校点广布的办学格局,但分散办学经费负担沉重,在效率优先价值下农村学校布局调整政策逐渐萌动并合法化。政策实施中,一些地方政府盲目撤并农村学校,强化了效率优先价值,尤其在快速城镇化进程中,撤并农村学校甚至被当成城镇化跃进的工具。农村义务教育应重新树立因地制宜、从实际出发的政策理念,重申就近入学的重要性、正当性和法定性,摒弃效率优先,坚持公平优先、质量多元的农村教育发展观。 For over 30 years, it has been a basic trend of the rural school layout transformation that methods changed from extending teaching to remote areas and running school in various forms into centralizing school layout. The rural school layout was characterized by widespread and dispersed schools. But the expenditure of this decentralized pattern is too heavy a financial burden for the government, So measures on the adjustment of school layout, which were guided by the value of prioritizing educational efficiency, gradually emerged and got legalized. However, during the implementation of the policy, some local governments blindly canceled teaching centers and merged schools to respond to the efficiency-prioritized value. And the situation was worsened in the process of rapid urbanization where merging rural schools was seen as a shortcut of promoting urbanization. Given the current situation, it is urged that the rural compulsory education should reestablish the principle of being practical and realistic; lay stress on running schools in accordance with local conditions; reaffirm the significance, legitimacy and legality of nearby enrollment; and abolish the efficiency-prioritized value while sticking to the development views on rural education which prioritizes educational equity and is of diverse qualities.
作者 王帅 王祈然
出处 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期22-29,57,共9页 Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"农村学生的高等教育机会与教育资源配置研究"[12YJA880144]
关键词 学校布局调整 农村义务教育 效率优先 城镇化 school layout adjustment rural compulsory education giving priority to efficiency urbanization
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