
钙化在甲状腺良、恶性结节鉴别诊断中的意义 被引量:2

Significance of calcification in the differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules
摘要 目的评价超声探测甲状腺结节内微钙化和粗钙化在甲状腺癌中的诊断价值。方法 142例甲状腺疾病患者,通过甲状腺高频超声检查,观察甲状腺结节内钙化表现,并与术后组织病理结果相对照。结果142例甲状腺疾病患者中,共152个结节,53个为甲状腺癌,钙化42个(79.25%),其中微钙化39个(73.58%)、粗钙化3个(5.66%);99个甲状腺良性结节中,钙化15个(15.15%),其中微钙化8个(8.08%)、粗钙化7个(7.07%)。微钙化对甲状腺癌的敏感性为73.58%、特异性为91.92%,粗钙化的敏感性为5.66%、特异性为92.93%。结论微钙化可作为筛查甲状腺癌的特异性指标,而粗钙化对判断甲状腺结节的良、恶性意义不大。 Objective To assess the significance of thyroid microcalcification and macrocal-cification of ultrasonography (US) in the differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules.Methods A total of 142 patients with thyroid nodules included in this study.The calcification of the thyroid nodules observed by US were recorded and compared with the data of postoperative pathological results.Re-sults A total of 152 thyroid nodules were found in 142 patients.Postoperative histopathologic re-sults revealed 99 nodules were benign and 53 were malignant.There were 42 (79.25%) nodules with calcification in 53 malignant nodules, including 39 (73.58%) microcalcification nodules and 3 (5.66%) macrocalcification nodules.There were 15 (15.15%) nodules with calcification in 99 be-nign nodules, including 8 (8.08%) microcalcification nodules and 7 (7.07%) macrocalcification nodules.The sensitivity and specificity of microcalcification in diagnosis of thyroid cancer were 73.58% and 91.92% respectiviely.The sensitivity and specificity of macrocalcification in diagnosis of thyroid cancer were 5.66% and 92.93% respectively.Conclusion Microcalcification by US could be used to predict the risk of malignant thyroid nodules, while macrocalcification could not.
出处 《转化医学杂志》 2015年第4期226-228,共3页 Translational Medicine Journal
关键词 钙化 肿瘤 甲状腺 鉴别诊断 Calcification Neoplasm Thyroid Differential diagnosis
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