目的 了解佳木斯农村小学生忽视的影响因素,为制定科学的预防措施提供依据。方法 采用分层随机抽样的方法,抽取佳木斯市农村地区3所小学的1 242名小学生。采用“中国农村6-11岁小学生儿童忽视评价常模”中的量表进行问卷调查,统计方法包括单因素分析、多因素的Logistic回归及多元线性逐步回归分析。结果 佳木斯农村6--8岁与9-11岁小学生的总忽视率分别为52.56%和53.25%,忽视度分别为(48.01±8.69)和(47.15±9.92);男生的忽视度及忽视率均高于女生(t/χ2值分别为2.56,8.95,P值均〈0.05)。对6个层面及总忽视的危险因素分析,6-8岁组主要影响因素有性别、年龄、母亲年龄、父母亲外出打工回家周期、母亲文化程度、家庭类型、家中人口数、与父亲关系、父母间关系及是否为留守儿童(P值均〈0.05);9-11岁组主要影响因素有父母工作地点变动、父母收入减少、与父母亲关系及父母关系(P值均〈0.05)。结论 佳木斯市农村小学生忽视情况严重且影响因素较多,危险因素主要有母亲外出打工回家周期、家庭氛围、亲子沟通互动、经济条件等,留守儿童的忽视情况更为严重。
Objective To survey risk factors of neglect for rural pupils aged 6-11 in Jiamusi, so as to provide a basis for performing scientific intervention measures. Methods A total of 1 242 pupils ( of whom males are 46.70% ) were multistage strati- fied randomly sampled from Jiamusi. They were investigated by Evaluation Questionnaire of Child Neglect of Rural Pupil Aged 6-11 years in China. Single factor analysis was conducted by test ( Chi-Square ) and multi-factorial analysis was conducted by binary lo- gistic regression. Results The average neglect frequency and degree of pupils aged 6-8 were 52.56% and 48.01+8.69, the aver- age neglect frequency and degree of 9-11 were 53.25% and 47.15±9.92. The average neglect frequency and degree of male were higher than female's( P〈0.01 ). Single factor analysis, binary logistic analysis and multiple linear regression showed that the main risk factors of pupils aged 6- 8 included sex and ages of pupils, mothers ages, mothers education background, cycles of patents coming home, types of family, numbers in family, relationship with their fathers and relationship between parents ( P〈 0.05 ). Sex of pupil, mothers education background, number of children in the family, relation between child and his/her par- ent, relation between father and mother were the main risk factors for pupils aged 9-11 (P〈0.051. Conclusion The current neg- lect state of rural pupils in Jiamusi is serious and there are many risk factors. The main risk factors are parents education back- grounds, family structure, economic condition of the family and cycles of patents coming home. The neglect frequency of left-be- hind children are higher than others.
Chinese Journal of School Health
Rural population
Child abuse
Regression analysis