目的:分析股骨近端抗旋髓内钉(PFNA)治疗老年股骨粗隆间骨折患者的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析2011年1月至2013年12月应用 PFNA 内固定治疗的50例股骨粗隆间骨折的老年患者病例资料。结果所有患者获得一期临床愈合,随访时间18-24个月,愈合时间3-8个月,平均5个月,术后髋关节评分使用 Harris 评分标准,优35例,良11例,可2例,差2例,优良率92%。结论 PFNA 治疗老年股骨粗隆间骨折患者具有较高愈合率,手术时间较短、创伤小、出血量较少、固定牢固、并发症低、术后早期能够下床、恢复快、可作为老年股骨粗隆间骨折患者内固定治疗的主要治疗方法。
Objective To analyze the clinical therapeutic effect of PFNA(proximal femoral nail antirotation)fixation in the elderly patients with femoral inter-trochanteric fractures. Methods The clinical data of 50 cases of elderly patients ever treated with PFNA fixation in our hospital from Jan 2011 to Dec 2013 were retrospectively analyzed. Results All 50 patients with femoral inter-trochanteric fractures a-chieved primary clinical healing. The follow-up period was 18 ~ 24 months and the healing time was 3 ~ 8 months,with an average of 5 months. Harris hip joint function scale was used to calculate the postoperative hip scoring,35 cases were excellent,11 cases good,2 cases intermediate,2 cases bad,and the choiceness rate was 92% . Conclusion Application of PFNA fixation in treatment of elderly patients with femoral inter-trochanteric fractures has the advantages of higher healing rate,shorter operation time,smaller trauma,less bleeding and com-plications,with internal fixation firm enough for early ambulation and rehabilitation. Thus,PFNA fixation could be used as the maiu treat-ment methods internal fixation for those elderly patients with femoral inter-trochanteric fracture.
Anhui Medical Journal