
WGS84坐标框架与我国BDS坐标框架的建设 被引量:7

Inspiration of Establishing DBS Terrestrial Reference Frame From Implement of WGS84
摘要 针对卫星导航系统所使用坐标框架的建设问题,讨论了美国GPS和我国BDS卫星导航系统所使用的坐标框架建设与更新现状,并对我国BDS监测站坐标框架的建设提出了一些建议。首先介绍了GPS系统所使用的WGS84的定义及参考椭球常数的演化,系统讨论了WGS84坐标框架的5次精化实现,然后分析了我国卫星导航系统采用的坐标系统现状:试验系统使用参心坐标系统——54坐标系统、区域系统规定使用CGCS2000系统,并对区域系统的监测站坐标的初次实现进行了详细阐述,指出其实现并不严格属于CGCS2000系统,最后对BDS的基准站建设、联测、数据处理等问题探讨,并提出了一些建议。 The terrestrial reference system and its realization play a key role for navigation satellite system.World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84)and China Geodetic coordinate system 2000 (CGCS2000)are used as the terrestrial reference system for GPS and BDS,respectively.In this paper,the evolution of the definition and corresponding reference ellipsoid of WGS84 is in-troduced,and the 5-times refinement realizations of WGS84 frame are discussed,too.Then,the situation of coordinate sys-tem used by BDS in different period are analyzed,namely 1954 coordinate system used by experimental system,CGCS2000 system by regional system.The initial implementation for the monitoring stations of the regional system is described in detail, and points out that this implementation is not strictly belong to CGCS2000 system.Finally,some suggestions are put forward for the monitoring station construction,joint measurement,and data processing,and so on.
出处 《导航定位学报》 2015年第3期43-48,68,共7页 Journal of Navigation and Positioning
基金 国家863计划(2013AA122501) 国家自然科学基金(41020144004 41474015 41374019 41374003 41274040)
关键词 卫星导航系统 坐标框架 WG$84 CGCS2000 Navigation Satellite System Terrestrial Reference frame WGS84 CGCS2000
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