In order to protect the safety operation of buried pipeline and processing pipe network at certain compressor station, regional cathodic protection technology is widely used. It is intricate pipelines and interference between the cathodic protection systems that leads to the contradiction of the imbalance problems which becomes more and more prominent. The effective operation is seriously affected between the cathodic protection systems, so there are troubles in safety and wasting of resources. In this article, the effectiveness of the cathodic protection system at the western certain compressor station is evaluated, influence factors are analyzed, such as the potential and current output size, distribution of protection potential the polarization situation of buried pipeline and soil IR drop size. The causes of the unbalance between cathodic protection system are found, reasonable recommendations are proposed, and the reference is provided for solving the station imbalance between the regional cathodic protection system.
Total Corrosion Control
cathodic protection system
compressor station
protection potential
soil IR drop