
锂渣混凝土的孔结构参数与活性评价研究 被引量:2

Research on pore structure parameters and activity of lithium slag concrete
摘要 为了解锂渣对混凝土性能改善的贡献情况,采用锂渣和水泥作为胶凝材料制备混凝土,研究了锂渣对混凝土孔结构参数和活性因子的影响规律。实验结果表明:锂渣掺量小于25%时,混凝土的后期强度都将超过空白混凝土;而掺量大于25%时,其力学性能降低幅度较大。同时,锂渣掺量不超过40%时,孔径均匀性的变化幅度较小,特别在养护龄期较小时尤为突出;随着养护龄期的延长,混凝土孔径得到不同程度的细化。锂渣掺量从0增至60%时,活性因子呈先增大后降低的趋势,但活性因子均大于0,且在锂渣掺量为20%时最大。 To understand the contribution of lithium slag to the improvement of concrete performance, we research the influ-ence of lithium slag on the concrete pore structure parameters and the activity factors by using the lithium slag as cementitious ma-terials in concrete preparation. The experiments results show that the later strength of the concrete would be higher than that of a blank concrete when the lithium content is less than 25%;however, the mechanical properties reduced greatly when the lithium content exceeds 25%. When the lithium content is less than 40%, the variation magnitude of pore uniformity is small, especially for shorter curing period;the concrete pore becomes smaller with the extension of the curing age. With the increase of lithium slag content from 0 to 60%, the activity factors increases first and then decreases, and reaches the highest when the lithium slag content is 20%, and which is always greater than 0 .
出处 《人民长江》 北大核心 2015年第16期58-61,92,共5页 Yangtze River
基金 新疆维吾尔自治区研究生科研创新项目资助(XJGRI2014072) 国家高等学校博士点专项科研基金资助(20106504110005) 新疆水利水电工程重点学科基金资助(XJzdxk-2010-02-12) 新疆维吾尔自治区高校科研计划青年教师科研启动基金资助(XJEDU2013S09)
关键词 锂渣 高性能混凝土 力学性能 孔结构参数 活性因子 lithium slag high performance concrete mechanical properties pore structure parameters activity factor
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