
污染密集型产业承接增加居民健康成本支出了吗——基于中西部省际面板数据的空间计量分析 被引量:9

Does Undertaking Pollution-Intensive Industries Increase the Residents' Health Costs——An Empirical Analysis Based on Provincial Spatial Panel Data in Central and Western Provinces
摘要 基于2003~2012年18个中西部省市的面板数据,利用空间计量模型分析污染密集型产业转移承接对中西部省份居民健康成本支出的影响。实证结果表明,中西部地区承接污染密集型产业有助于降低居民健康成本支出,其中,中部地区降低效果较为显著,西部地区并不显著;收入增长提高了中西部居民的总体健康支出,但西部居民的收入健康支出弹性显著大于1,表明西部居民收入增长的健康支出效应大于收入效应。此外,受区域间治理不平衡及低效治理等因素影响,虽然中西部地区加大了污染治理强度,但并未显著降低中西部居民健康成本支出。 Based on 2003-2012 panel data of 18 central and western provinces, the article builds a spatial econometric model and analyzes the effect of undertaking pollution-intensive industrial on residents from the perspective of health costs. The main conclusions are as follows: As whole, undertaking pollution-intensive industries can reduce the health costs of the middle and western regions, but the reduce effect of the central region is more significant, while the west is not. Health spending levels of the Midwest residents is enhanced with the increase of income, but the health income expenditure elasticity of the west region is greater than 1, which shows that the effect of residents' health expenditure is larger than the income. Affected by the imbalance of regional governance and the low efficiency of governance, the intensity of pollution control has not been significantly reduced in the central and western regions.
出处 《山西财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期15-26,共12页 Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(14BJL063) 国家社会科学基金青年项目(11CJL012) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(13JJD790011)
关键词 产业转移 产业承接 健康支出 污染密集行业 industrial transfer industrial undertaking health costs pollution-intensive industries
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