Using pot experiment to study the effect of new fertilizer ammonium polyphosphate on plant growth and uptake of phosphorus and zinc in corn seedlings. The results showed that under the conditions of equal phosphate fertilizer application, ammonium polyphosphate added to phosphate fertilizer could significantly improve the plant height and stem diameter of corn seedlings after sowed for 60 days, while improved biomass of corn overground part and roots and root shoot ratio. When the ratio of ammonium polyphosphate and diammonium phosphate was 2:1 (available phosphorus ratio), the effect was the best. Ammonium polyphosphate had little effect on the phosphorus content of overground part of corn seedlings, but increased the phosphorus cumulant. In addition, ammonium polyphosphate applica- tion significantly improved the zinc concentration and zinc cumulant of corn over- ground part and roots. The results showed that ammonium polyphosphate had bet- ter bioavailability, meanwhile promoted the absorption of microelement zinc in crops.
通过盆栽试验,研究了新型磷肥聚磷酸铵对玉米幼苗吸收磷、锌养分及生长的影响。结果表明:在等施磷量条件下,添加聚磷酸铵后能明显提高播种60 d的玉米幼苗株高、茎粗,同时提高了玉米地上部和根系的生物量以及根冠比,其中以聚磷酸铵:磷酸二铵为2∶1(有效磷比)时,效果最好。添加聚磷酸铵对玉米幼苗地上部磷含量影响不大,但提高了磷累积量。另外,施用聚磷酸铵后,无论苗期玉米地上部还是根系的锌浓度、锌累积量都得到了明显的提升。说明聚磷酸铵具有较好的生物有效性,同时还促进了作物对微量元素锌的吸收。
Independent Innovation Achievement Transformation Special Project in Shandong Province:Research on Key Technology Of Comprehensive Utilization of Middle and Low Grade Phosphate Rock Resources and Industrialization Demonstration(2013ZHZX2A0904)~~