
中文在联合国系统中影响力的分析及其思考 被引量:42

Analysis of the influence of Chinese in the United Nations
摘要 本文首先厘清了官方语言与工作语言在联合国系统中的关系,然后提出评价国际组织中语言影响力的框架,并运用该框架分析中文在联合国系统中的影响力。研究结果表明,中文在联合国系统中的影响力明显不高,在联合国5个主要机关和重要的15个专门机构中只有40%的中文法定地位得到完全确认,在获得法定地位的组织中,中文的法定权利并未得到充分行使。为了提高中文的影响力,本文提出三条应对建议。 The paper first clarifies various uses of the terms "official language" and "working language" in the United Nations, then proposes a framework to evaluate the influence of a language in an international organization. Under this framework, it is found that Chinese in general does not have strong influence in the United Nations. First, Chinese has only gained full legal status in 40 percent of the 5 principal organs and 15 specialized agencies. Second, in these organs and agencies where Chinese is entitled to full legal status, the legal rights of Chinese have not been fully executed. The paper finally puts forward three suggestions for improving the influence of Chinese.
作者 文秋芳
出处 《语言文字应用》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期33-40,共8页 Applied Linguistics
基金 教育部语用司委托项目"提高中文在国际组织中影响力对策研究"的阶段性成果
关键词 联合国 中文影响力 官方语言 工作语言 the United Nations the influence of Chinese official language working language
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