
隔壁催化精馏合成乙酸正丙酯模拟研究 被引量:1

Simulation study of partition wall catalytic distillation column for synthesis of propyl acetate
摘要 提出了用隔壁催化精馏塔合成乙酸正丙酯的生产工艺流程,以隔壁催化精馏塔代替常规乙酸正丙酯反应精馏塔和乙酸正丙酯精制塔。将隔壁催化精馏过程和常规反应精馏生产过程模拟比较,在相同生产能力和产品质量分数要求下,隔壁催化精馏塔可降低能耗15%以上,同时可减少设备投资。对提出的反应隔壁生产乙酸正丙酯的生产流程进行优化,考察了乙酸进料位置、正丙醇进料位置、副塔气相分配比对过程能耗的影响,并得到适宜的生产操作条件。 The process flow is proposed by using partition wall catalytic distillation column for synthesis of propyl acetate, in which partition wall catalytic distillation column is used instead of conventional catalytic distillation column and the product purification column. The conventional catalytic distillation process and the novel partition wall catalytic distillation process are simulated and compared. The results show that energy consumption of the partition wall catalytic distillation process can be reduced by above 15% compared with the conventional reactive distillation process. The cost of equipment is also decreased. The partition wall catalytic distillation process is also optimized. The feed location of HAc and propanol, vapor split ratio of the ancillary column are considered on the energy consumption as well.
出处 《现代化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期169-172,共4页 Modern Chemical Industry
关键词 隔壁催化精馏塔 乙酸正丙酯 模拟 partition wall catalytic distillation column propyl acetate simulation
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