
Secure Big Data Storage and Sharing Scheme for Cloud Tenants 被引量:10

Secure Big Data Storage and Sharing Scheme for Cloud Tenants
摘要 The Cloud is increasingly being used to store and process big data for its tenants and classical security mechanisms using encryption are neither sufficiently efficient nor suited to the task of protecting big data in the Cloud.In this paper,we present an alternative approach which divides big data into sequenced parts and stores them among multiple Cloud storage service providers.Instead of protecting the big data itself,the proposed scheme protects the mapping of the various data elements to each provider using a trapdoor function.Analysis,comparison and simulation prove that the proposed scheme is efficient and secure for the big data of Cloud tenants. The Cloud is increasingly being used to store and process big data for its ten- ants and classical security mechanisms using encryption are neither sufficiently efficient nor suited to the task of protecting big data in the Cloud. In this paper, we present an alternative approach which divides big data into sequenced parts and stores them among multiple Cloud storage service providers. Instead of protecting the big data itself, the proposed scheme protects the mapping of the various data elements to each provider using a trapdoor function. Analysis, comparison and simulation prove that the proposed scheme is efficient and secure for the big data of Cloud tenants.
出处 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第6期106-115,共10页 中国通信(英文版)
基金 supported in part by the National Nature Science Foundation of China under Grant No.61402413 and 61340058 the "Six Kinds Peak Talents Plan" project of Jiangsu Province under Grant No.ll-JY-009 the Nature Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province under Grant No.LY14F020019, Z14F020006 and Y1101183 the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project under Grant No.2012M511732 Jiangsu Province Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project Grant No.1102014C
关键词 数据存储 安全机制 服务供应商 共享 数据元素 仿真验证 保护 安全性 cloud computing big data stor-age and sharing security
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