
近50年华中地区霾污染的特征 被引量:37

Characterization of haze pollution over Central China during the past 50 years
摘要 基于1962~2011年霾日观测资料,使用线性回归、聚类分析及相关分析等统计方法分析了近50年华中地区霾污染的时空变化特征及其成因。结果表明,华中地区的霾高发中心位于河南中北部、湖北中西部和湖南中部人口集中的气溶胶浓度高值区,其中霾日数最多的站点为河南新乡,年均达到79.1d。霾的季节性变化表现为冬季霾日数最多,夏季最少,霾污染是典型的冬季大气环境事件。但随着近年春夏秋三季霾日的增加,华中地区霾污染的季节性差异减小。城市地区是华中霾污染严重的区域。近50年污染地区霾发生频率增多,而相对清洁地区霾污染发生频率减少。华中地区大气环境呈现出两极分化的变化特征。近50年来华中地区霾日增加受人为污染物排放加强和东亚季风减弱的共同影响。 Based on the observational data of haze occurrences from 1962 to 2011, the temporal-spatial variations of haze pollution and the causes over Central China were discussed by using statistical methods, such as linear regression, cluster and correlation analysis. It was found that haze pollution occurred frequently in the areas of northern-central Henan, western-central Hubei and central Hunan, where the population was relatively dense with high aerosol concentrations. The station with the most frequent haze events was Xinxiang in Henan province, reaching 79.1d/a. The seasonal variations showed that the heaviest haze pollution happened in winter and the slightest haze occurred in summer. Haze pollution was a typical atmospheric environment incident in winter over Central China. These seasonal differences became obscure with the increases of haze frequency in spring, summer and fall. High haze pollution was spatially centred over the urban area. The increasing and decreasing trends in haze occurrences were identified respectively in the polluted region and the relatively clean region over the recent 50years, revealing the polarization in air environment change over Central China. Haze events in Central China were highly related to the increasing anthropogenic emissions and the decreasing East Asia monsoon over the region during the past 50years.
出处 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期2272-2280,共9页 China Environmental Science
基金 国家科技支撑计划课题(2014BAC22B04) 江苏省科技支撑计划社会发展重大研究项目(BE2012771) 南京信息工程大学人才启动基金(20110304) PAPD 湖北省气象局科技发展基金(2015Y04)
关键词 华中地区 霾污染 变化趋势 统计分析 Central China haze pollution variation trend statistical analysis
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