According to the data of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey(CLHLS)and applyin g methods of Sullivan and multistate life table,this paper examines the time expectancy of care for daily living of Chinese elderly and its proportion in their elderly life.The results find that there exists a signifi cant gender gap of the expectancy,which the male at 65averagely are expected to have four to five care years while the female at 65averagely are expected to have seven to eight care years.The time expectancy for slight care of daily living is longer than that for sever care.Additionally,there is no significant difference between urban elderly and rural elderly.However,as age increases,the time expectancy for slight care goes down while that for sever care stabilities at a constant at different ages.The time expectancy for different types of care and its proportion in the rest of life are significantly various.The study points out that the establishment and improvement of care insurance system and the elderly care service are very necessary.
According to the data of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey(CLHLS) and applying methods of Sullivan and multistate life table, this paper examines the time expectancy of care for daily living of Chinese elderly and its proportion in their elderly life. The restllts find that there exists a significant gender gap of the expectancy, which the male at 65 averagely are expected to have four to five care years while the female at 65 averagcly are expected to have seven to eight care years.