
威尔入藏“访问”与第三次康藏冲突的爆发 被引量:1

The Relation Between Leslie Weir's “Visiting Lhasa”and the Outbreak of the Third Hsikang- Tibet Conflict
摘要 1930年驻锡金政治专员威尔入藏"访问",是英国政府扭转西藏内向政策、制造康藏冲突的重大举措。自1924年藏军总司令擦绒发动未遂政变后,西藏对英态度冷淡,康藏局势平静,英国政府派遣威尔入藏。在"访问"中,威尔努力执行了军火援助藏军分裂中国的政策,宣称要帮助对付"中国人的麻烦",引诱十三世达赖喇嘛实施"大西藏主义"。威尔离藏后,第三次康藏冲突爆发,英国政府乘机提出所谓"英藏协定",其实质与吞并布坦(即不丹)的1910年《英布条约》相同。威尔入藏"访问"和制造第三次康藏冲突,是英国政府在国民政府成立初期分裂中国的重要一环,对其如何处理成为国民政府治理西藏的重要问题之一。 Leslie Weir, the Political Officer in Sikkim, took a "visit" in Lhasa in 1930. It was a great ac- tion for British government to turn round Tibetan tendency towards the central government and to stir up Hsi- kang - Tibet conflict. Since Tsarong, the chief commander of Tibetan army, staged an unsuccessful coup d etat in 1924, Tibetan attitude toward Britain has been cold and the situation in Hsikang -Tibet frontier has been calm. Under this condition, British government sent Weir to Tibet. During the "visiting", Weir tried his best to carry out British policy of supply Tibetan army arms to split China. He said that he wanted to help the Tibetans to face "the troublesome brought by Chinese " and lured the 13th Dalai Lama to have the dream of "Great Tibet" realized. After Weir just left Tibet, the third Hsikang - Tibet conflict broke out, and British government took chance to propose "Anglo - Tibetan Agreement", which was just the same with "Anglo -Bhutan Treaty" that swallowed up Bhutan in 1910. In a word, British government sent Weir to Ti- bet to stir up the third Hsikang -Tibet conflict and it was a very important action for British government to split China at the beginning of foundation of the National Government. How to deal with the aggression be- came one of the very important issues for the National Government to administer Tibet.
作者 张皓
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期80-91,共12页 Collected Papers of History Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"蒙藏委员会委员长更迭与国民政府治藏政策演变轨迹研究"(13BMZ032)成果之一
关键词 威尔 第三次康藏冲突 “英藏协定” Leslie Weir the Third Hsikang- Tibet Conflict "Anglo- Tibetan Agreement"
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