
社区心理学及其研究转向 被引量:7

Community Psychology and Its Research Shifts
摘要 社区心理学与传统心理学的不同,主要表现在四个转向上。首先,研究视角的转向:从个体主义视角到生态学视角;其次,干预模式的转向:从治疗到预防;再次,研究主题的转向,从关注心理健康到关注社会公正、公民参与、赋权、社区感等价值主题;最后,研究方法的转向:从自上而下到自下而上。所有这些转向都建立在社区心理学力图创建一种新的思考方式、新的干预目标、新的专业角色、与公民和社区协同合作的新期许等学科角色定位的基础之上。 Community psychology has chosen a totally different path of development compared to that of traditonal psychology, it is mainly reflected in the four shifts. First,the shift in research perspective:from an indivivual perspective to ecological perspective. Second,the shift in intervention model:from treatment to prevention. Third, the shift in Research Themes: from mental health to social justice, empowerment, citizen participation, the sense of community and so on. last, the shift in research methods:from the traditional quantitative methods to participatory action research. The intent of this new field was to create a profession built on new ways of thinking, new targets for intervention, new professional roles, and new hopes for collaborating with citizens and communities.
作者 贾林祥 拾硕
出处 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第4期147-152,共6页 Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般目(项目编号:HYJA190007)研究成果之一
关键词 社区心理学 学科角色定位 研究转向 community psychology perspective intervention model research theme
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