
电子领域中小企业知识产权状况分析与探究 2015中国(成都)电子展知识产权调研报告

A Survey and Analysis on Intellectual Property of Small and Medium-sized Electronic Enterprises
摘要 针对2015中国(成都)电子展期间调研获得的数据及情况,本文对我国电子领域的中小企业知识产权现状和影响因素进行了深入分析。分析显示,我国知识产权大环境与企业经营状况的复杂交互影响直接或间接地导致我国电子领域中小企业知识产权现状不容乐观;而希望以大规模的培训宣传和政策支持等方式产生显著改善仍需较长时间的过程;创业企业由于补贴、政策倾斜等原因具有更高的知识产权意识和积极性。同时,创业企业的相关经验为建立中小企业知识产权工作良性循环进行了有益的探索。通过调研分析得到来自一线销售、采购、研发以及管理人员的实际情况以及相关建议措施,对管理、维权、服务等各方面力量共同改善我国中小企业知识产权情况有较大参考价值。 The present situation and influencing factors of the intellectual property of small and medium-sized electronic enterprises is discussed in this article. The intellectual property information about staffs of these enterprises is collected during CEF West China 2015. According to the investigation data and analysis, the current situation of intellectual property of Chinese small and medium-sized electronic enterprises is not optimistic, which results from the complex effects of the IPR development situation and the enterprises management conditions. Meanwhile, the large scale training, education and policy support measures would take a long time to bring significant benefits. In the other hand, the venture enterprises evaluate more positive about intellectual property. Also, the subsidy and special supports policy on the venture enterprises could provide reference to building the virtuous circulation of intellectual property. The investigation and analyses could be helpful to improve the IPR ability of the enterprises.
作者 孙剑锋
出处 《电子知识产权》 2015年第8期64-69,共6页 Electronics Intellectual Property
关键词 知识产权 中小企业 调研 现状 Intellectual Property Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Investigation Present Situation
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