An experimental study on the current shot noise of a quantum point contact with short channel length is reported. The experimentally measured maximum energy level spacing between the ground and the first excited state of the device reached up to 7.5meV, probably due to the hard wall confinement by using shallow electron gas and sharp point contact geometry. The two-dimensionM non-equilibrium shot noise contour map shows noise suppression characteristics in a wide range of bias voltage. Fano factor analysis indicates spin-polarized transport through a short quantum point contact.
An experimental study on the current shot noise of a quantum point contact with short channel length is reported. The experimentally measured maximum energy level spacing between the ground and the first excited state of the device reached up to 7.5meV, probably due to the hard wall confinement by using shallow electron gas and sharp point contact geometry. The two-dimensionM non-equilibrium shot noise contour map shows noise suppression characteristics in a wide range of bias voltage. Fano factor analysis indicates spin-polarized transport through a short quantum point contact.
Supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea under Grant No 2011-0004949