
梅毒的病原学和高危因素 被引量:5

Etiology and High Risk Factor of Syphilis
摘要 梅毒居性传播疾病发病率之首,随着筛查试验的普及,梅毒的检出明显呈现逐年上升趋势。该病自1505年传入我国,其流行性非常广泛。解放后,经过10年的防治,梅毒在我国基本根除。但随着改革开放和经济发展,梅毒死灰复燃,严重威胁者患者甚至下一代的健康,因此有必要阐明梅毒的病原学和高危患病因素。 The morbidity of syphilis is among the first level in all the sexually transmitted diseases. Along with the screening test was gradually built among all level medical examination,positive results of syphilis was increased significantly year after year. In 1505 Syphilis was introduced into China. The popularity of syphilis was very wide before liberation. After liberation,with 10 years control and treatment regime,syphilis finally disappeared. But after reformation,opening up and economic development,syphilis reappeared and developed very rapidly. It seriously threads health of public,even their generation. So we must make the etiology and high risk factor of Syphilis clear.
作者 牟宽厚
出处 《中国医学文摘(皮肤科学)》 2015年第4期338-344,2,共7页 China Medical Abstracts(Dermatology)
关键词 梅毒 病原学 高危因素 Syphilis Etiology High risk factor
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