
当代孤独症学校教育质量特征与启示——基于30所国外孤独症学校的研究 被引量:6

Analyzing the Quality Characteristics of Contemporary Autism Schools——Based on the Previous Experience of 30 Foreign Autism Schools
摘要 为了解发达国家在保障孤独症学校教育质量上的经验和做法,本研究选取了美国、英国、澳大利亚和新加坡4个国家30所孤独症学校,检索和分析了这些学校在物质条件、师资状况、课程教学等要素上的具体特征。研究结果显示,这些学校呈现出以下质量特征:(1)充足的空间和设施设备;(2)凸显结构化、视觉支持性、社交性等特点的适宜环境;(3)小班级规模和高师生比;(4)较高专业素养的师资队伍;(5)适宜学生需求、强化功能性交流和人际互动的课程体系;(6)系统多元、综合互补的教学策略;(7)综合性的专业团队服务等。本研究结果为我国孤独症学校的构建提供了参考。 In order to learn how to improve education quality of autism schools in foreign countries, thirty autism schools were selected from America, Britain, Australia and Singapore for analysis. We indexed and ana- lyzed the characteristics of eight key elements, including material conditions, teaching staffs, curriculum teaching, etc., The results showed that there were some common characteristics in these schools: ( 1 ) adequate space and facilities ; (2)suitable environment highlighted with the characteristics of structure, visual supporting and sociability; (3) small class sizes and high teacher-student ratio; (4) teaching staffs with high professional quality; (5) curriculum system suitable for needs of students with the ability to strengthen functional communication and human interaction; (6) teaching strategies of multiple systems and overall complementary; (7) comprehensive multi-professions of team service, etc. The above researching results provided a reference for construction of autism schools in our country.
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期97-106,共10页 International and Comparative Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目(12YJC880004)资助
关键词 孤独症学校 教育质量 质量特征 autism school education quality quality characteristic
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