在AutoCAD环境下模具顶针孔的常规标注中,当顶针孔数量较多时,若干尺寸线和尺寸文字布满了图面,甚至交织在一起,造成图面信息多且杂乱,读图时不仅要逐个分析直径,而且需从X、Y 2个方向读尺寸数,容易看错行,费时费力,工作量大,造成后续孔加工的不便,甚至出错。利用AutoLISP和DCL语言作为开发工具,直接循环访问每个顶针孔数据库,自动提取顶针孔的数据,并对孔按直径和圆心坐标排序,自动完成CAD图顶针孔的标记,并将所有顶针孔的直径和圆心坐标数据,自动按序输出到Excel表中,简洁明了,极大地方便了应用,既可直接作为加工文件,也可作为后续进一步开发的数据源。
The conventional method to obtain the dimension of holes from the draft in AutoCAD is difficult and error-prone,because the dimension labels are promiscuous and complex when there are a large amount of holes in the part.Using the AutoLISP and DCL,the database of the holes dimension is accessed automatically and the dimension data are extracted.The holes are sorted according to the radius and center coordinate and labeled automatically and then,the dimension data of the holes can be extracted to the Excel sheet file conveniently and neatly.These files can be directly used as the processing file or the data source for further development.
Die and Mould Technology