

Matrix-structural fast learning of cascaded classifier for negative sample inheritance
摘要 针对矩阵式瀑布分类器学习算法在负样本自举过程中无法快速自举出训练所需的高质量样本,自举过程严重影响整体学习效率及最终检测器性能等问题,提出了一种高效学习算法——负样本信息继承的矩阵式瀑布分类器高效学习算法。其自举负样本过程为样本继承与层次自举相结合,首先从训练上一层强分类器所用的负样本集中继承有效负样本,样本集不足部分再从负图像集中自举。样本继承压缩了有效样本的自举范围,可以快速自举出训练所需样本;并且自举负样时对样本进行预筛选,增加了样本复杂度,提升了最终分类器性能。实验结果表明:训练完成方面,本算法比矩阵式瀑布分类器算法节省20 h;检测性能方面,比矩阵式瀑布型分类器高出1个百分点;与其他17种人体检测算法性能相比也有很好的性能表现。所提算法较矩阵式瀑布分类器学习算法在训练效率及检测性能上都有很大提升。 Due to the disadvantages such as inefficiency of getting high-quality samples, bad impact of bootstrap to the whole learning-efficiency and final classifier performance in the negative samples bootstrap process of matrix-structural learning of cascade classifier algorithm. This paper proposed a fast learning algorithm--matrix-structural fast learning of cascaded classifier for negative sample inheritance. The negative sample bootstrap process of this algorithm combined sample inheritance and gradation bootstrap, which inherited helpful samples from the negative sample set used by last training stage firstly, and then got insufficient part of sample set from the negative image set. Sample inheritance reduced the bootstrap range of useful samples, which accelerated bootstrap. And sample pre-screening, during bootstrap process, increased sample complexity and promoted final classifier performance. The experiment results show that the proposed algorithm saves 20 h in training time and improves 1 percentage point in detection performance, compared with matrix-structural learning of cascaded classifier algorithm. Besides, compared with other 17 human detection algorithms, the proposed algorithm achieves good performance too. The proposed algorithm gets great improvement in training efficiency and detection performance compared with matrix- structural learning of cascaded classifier algorithm.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期2596-2601,共6页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 瀑布型分类器 自举 负样本 训练时间 cascade classifier bootstrap negative sample training time
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