
国际社会应对气候变化发展动向综述 被引量:2

A Review of International Community′s Measures to Combat Climate Change
摘要 全球气候变化直接关系到各国的利益,受到国际社会的普遍关注。国际社会对应对气候变化问题已形成共识。政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第一次至第五次评估报告为应对气候变化提供了科学依据和重要推动力。减缓和适应气候变化是应对气候变化挑战的两个有机组成部分,必须把适应与减缓气候变化置于同等重要位置。气候变化问题引起企业界的高度关注,全球越来越多的大公司将气候变化问题纳入公司发展战略。许多国家加大资金投入,积极开展气候变化研究已成为各国科技发展的新亮点,低碳经济已成为应对气候变化的必然路径。后德班时期全球应对气候变化出现新动向,受欧债危机和全球经济复苏乏力影响,发达国家资金支持受限;页岩革命正在改变能源格局,增强了美国应对气候变化的底气和实力;新能源投资出现波动,设备贸易摩擦加剧;日本福岛核泄漏事故成为各国更青睐气候资源的催化剂与助推器;技术减排有待发挥实质性作用。主要国家应对气候变化的态度在发生变化,中国为国际社会合作解决气候变化问题做出了积极贡献;加拿大和日本应对气候变化立场发生消极变化;美国应对气候变化改玄易辙。展望2015年将要召开的巴黎气候大会,由于资金、技术、政治意愿等条件的变化,加上预备程序进展顺利,估计大会前景可期。各国需展现更多的灵活性、信心和雄心,确保巴黎大会成功。 Global climate change has a direct impact on every country ′s interest and has therefore attracted wide attention from the international community.The international community has reached a consensus regard-ing the need to combat climate changes.IPCC ′ s five assessment reports provide a scientific basis and an im-portant impetus for combating climate changes.Alleviating and adapting to climate changes are two integral parts of the campaign to combat climate changes.The international community must attach equal importance to adapting to and alleviating climate changes.Climate change has attracted great attention from the business cir-cle and an increasing number of large companies worldwide have included climate change issues into their corporate development strategies.Many countries have increased their investment in climate change research and low-carbon economy is now a pathway a country must take in order to win the combat against climate changes.Some new trends have emerged in the international community ′ s combat against climate change since the Durban meeting.Impacted by the European debt crisis and the weak recovery of global economy,developed countries now have limited funds to support this initiative.The shale revolution is changing the land-scape of the energy market and has strengthened the United States ′ confidence and strength in combating climate changes.New energy investment experienced fluctuations and equipment trade friction has intensified.The Fukushinia nuclear leakage incident is a catalyst and booster to countries ′ interest in climate resources.Technology-enabled emission reduction is yet to play a substantial role.Major countries ′ attitudes toward climate changes are changing.China has contributed to pushing the international community to work together to find a solution to climate changes.Canada and Japan have become less active in combating climate changes and the United States has changed its attitude toward this effort.A climate conference will be held in Paris this year and the results of this meeting are anticipated given the changes in fund,technical and political will conditions,plus the smooth preparations for the event.Countries need to demonstrate greater flexibility,confidence and ambition to ensure the success of the meeting.
作者 张庆阳
出处 《中外能源》 CAS 2015年第8期1-9,共9页 Sino-Global Energy
关键词 气候变化 巴黎气候大会 碳排放 新能源 低碳经济 climate change Paris climate conference carbon emission new energy low-carbon economy
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