Seafarer welfare group set up to help the victims of Somali piracy gets new start as a charitable organisation and seeks new finance sources.The Maritime Piracy Humanitarian Response Programme(MPHRP) has joined up with the International Seafarer's Welfare and Assistance Network(ISWAN) as it adjusts to the changing face of international piracy.Tom Holmer has taken over from Roy Paul as MPHRP programme manager. He says the decision to join ISWAN was partly prompted by the chance to take advantage of its charitable status, something hebelieves will assist MPHRP fundraising activities.The Seafarer's Trust is now headed by former Teekay Foundation chief Kimberly Karlshoej, who was a central figure for securing finance for the MPHRP training schemes.The MPHRP has support fromwithin ISWAN, which is itselfheaded by former Clipper executive Per Gullestrup. He became anindustry figure heading the fightagainst piracy at the height of the Somali problems after one of thecompany's ships and crew wastaken hostage.But since the use of armedguards onboard ships became establishedoff Somalia, the problemhas largely disappeared.The MPHRP operates a 24-hour,sevendays-a-week help line for seafarers traumatised by piracy and runs training courses to help seafarers prepare and prevent contact with pirates, as well as how to deal with captivity.The MPHRP is chaired by former Shell shipping executive and Intertankosecretary-general Peter Swift.
China Ocean Shipping Monthly