

Literature Review on the Relationship between Tourism Industry and Quality of Life around Developed Countries
摘要 旅游业的发展具有牵涉面广、关联性强的特点,其参与者包括旅游者、目的地居民、旅游从业人员等群体,因此,旅游与相关参与者生活质量的关系研究成为了旅游学界新的视角。国外学者早在20世纪80年代开始探索旅游与生活质量的关系,主要围绕旅游对旅游者和旅游目的地社区居民生活质量的影响展开研究,取得了丰硕的成果。本文通过梳理相关文献资料,从旅游活动与旅游者生活质量的关系、旅游业发展与社区生活质量的关系以及旅游从业人员生活质量三个方面总结了国外在旅游与生活质量关系研究中的进展。在此基础上,笔者总结了国外相关研究的主要方向和特点,并对其未来研究方向进行展望。 The development of tourism has involved a wide range of association and strong features, its participants include tourist, destination residents, tourism practitioners and other groups, therefore, the relationship between tourism-related quality of life studies participants with new perspectives become a tourist circles. This paper reviews the overseas researches on the relationship between tourism and quality of life, including perspectives, practices, research methods, progress and outlook. Overseas researchers have paid much attention to this field and already cumulated a lot of fruits since 1980's. Research on the relationship between tourism and quality-of-life has covered several aspects, including tourists' quality-of-life, the quality-of-life in tourism destination and the quality of tourism employees' life. In several decades, researchers have made great progress, however, there is still weakness in the current studies. Finally, the paper points out the main directions in the further study.
机构地区 中国海洋大学
出处 《旅游世界(旅游发展研究)》 2015年第3期6-14,共9页
关键词 旅游 生活质量 研究进展 Tourism Quality of Life Research Progress
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